Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2023 |
Exploring the Design of Visualizations of Personal Online Data Based on Users' Mental Models
Dutz, Marija; Starčević, Nataša; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2023 |
Exploring the Design of Visualizations of Personal Online Data Based on Users’ Mental Models
Dutz, Marija; Starčević, Nataša; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
2022 |
NetVisGame: Mobile Gamified Information Visualization of Home Network Traffic Data
Schufrin, Marija; Kuban, Katharina; Kuijper, Arjan; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2022 |
Design Studie eines Gaming-Ansatzes für die visuelle Analyse persönlicher privater Daten
Gerk, Maximilian Wilhelm |
Master Thesis
2022 |
Designstudie über eine visuelle Schnittstelle von personenbezogenen Daten für Laien
Fischer, Andrés Enrique |
Master Thesis
2022 |
Studie über die Anforderungen an die Nutzungsqualität von Visuellen Datenflusseditoren
Bihler, Yvonne |
Bachelor Thesis
2022 |
Visual Firewall Log Analysis - At the Border Between Analytical and Appealing
Schufrin, Marija; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2021 |
A Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet
Schufrin, Marija; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kuijper, Arjan; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Redesign and Evaluation of a Gaming Approach for the Exploration of Network Traffic by Non-Experts
Weber, Lara |
Bachelor Thesis
2021 |
PrivInferVis: Towards Enhancing Transparency over Attribute Inference in Online Social Networks
Simo, Hervais; Shulman, Haya; Schufrin, Marija; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2021 |
Visualizing Online Personal Data based on the Mental Models of Common Internet User Types
Starcevic, Natasa |
Master Thesis
2021 |
Generalizing a Clustering of Units Visualization for Personal Cyber Analytics
Guski, Florian |
Master Thesis
2020 |
A Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet
Schufrin, Marija; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kuijper, Arjan; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2020 |
A Gamified Information Visualization for the Exploration of Home Network Traffic Data
Kuban, Katharina |
Bachelor Thesis
2020 |
Information Visualization Interface on Home Router Traffic Data for Laypersons
Schufrin, Marija; Sessler, David; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Ahmad, Salmah; Mertz, Tobias; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2019 |
A Design Study on the Joy of Use in Information Visualization for Cybersecurity Analysis for Home Users
Ahmad, Salmah |
Master Thesis
2019 |
Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet
Reynolds, Steven Lamarr |
Master Thesis
2018 |
Visual-Interactive Identification of Anomalous IP-Block Behavior Using Geo-IP Data
Ulmer, Alex; Schufrin, Marija; Sessler, David; Kohlhammer, Jörn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2017 |
Designstudie und Entwicklung von Konzepten zur visuellen Trendanalyse für mobile Umgebungen
Schufrin, Marija |
Master Thesis