Arjan Kuijper

Arjan Kuijper erwarb 1995 den MSc am Institut für Angewandte Mathematik der Universität Twente, Niederlande, und promovierte 2002 am Institut für Computer Science und Mathematik der Universität Utrecht, Niederlande, zum PhD.


Nach einer Zeit als Post-doc an dieser Universität war er von 2003 bis 2005 Assistent Research Professor an der IT Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark. 2005 begann er als Forschungsleiter am Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, Österreich.


Seit 2008 ist er Research Coach am Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD), Darmstadt, und koordiniert die Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse. Zusätzlich hält er Vorlesungen an der TU Darmstadt. 2009 schloss er seine Habilitation an der Technischen Universität Graz, Österreich, ab und ist seitdem auch Privatdozent am Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) der TU Graz, ein Status, der 2010 an die TU Darmstadt übertragen wurde.


2015 wurde er in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer IGD auf eine 6-jährige W3-Professur für Mathematisches und Angewandtes Visual Computing an der TU Darmstadt berufen. Er ist Autor von über 390 begutachteten Veröffentlichungen und fungiert als Gutachter für viele Zeitschriften und Konferenzen sowie als Mitglied des Programmkomitees und Organisator von Konferenzen. Er ist Präsident der International Association of Pattern Recognition und Associate Editor für Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Pattern Recognition und The Visual Computer. Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen alle Aspekte mathematikbasierter Methoden für maschinelles Lernen, Computer Vision, Grafik, Bildgebung, Mustererkennung, Interaktion und Visualisierung.


Publication Type
2024 Transparent Object Detection in the Wild
Hartmann, Tobias
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Human Body Part Segmentation using Deep Learning with Plausible Estimation of Occluded Body Parts
Hartmann, Alexander
Master Thesis
2024 Memory-efficient Real-time Path Tracing for Computer Games
Kelling, Jan
Master Thesis
2024 Studie über die menschliche Wahrnehmung von Transparenzhinweisen in Videospielen
Schmitt, Oliver Gavin
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Visualization of SHAP Values and Error Reconstructions for Autoencoder Models
Sauerborn, Robert
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Techniques for the Visualization of LiDAR Data
Weidert, Julian
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Fast Training Data Acquisition for Object Detection and Segmentation using Black Screen Luminance Keying
Pöllabauer, Thomas; Knauthe, Volker; Boller, Andre; Kuijper, Arjan; Fellner, Dieter
2024 Fairness in Face Presentation Attack Detection
Fang, Meiling; Yang, Wufei; Kuijper, Arjan; S̆truc, Vitomir; Damer, Naser
Journal Article
2024 Robustness of Object Detection Algorithms for Images taken through Transparent Structures
Otten, Martin
Master Thesis
2024 Automatische Generierung von Tabellendrillingen unter Beibehaltung originärer Metadaten
Möller, Simon
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Human Perception of Impure Transparent Structures
Herbst, Johanna
Bachelor Thesis
2024 Bias and Diversity in Synthetic-based Face Recognition
Huber, Marco; Luu, Anh Thi; Boutros, Fadi; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2024 Migrating Monolithic Applications to Function as a Service
Würz, Hendrik Martin; Krämer, Michel; Kaster, Marvin; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2024 Ubiquitous Multi-Occupant Detection in Smart Environments
Fährmann, Daniel; Boutros, Fadi; Kubon, Philipp; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Journal Article
2023 IDiff-Face: Synthetic-based Face Recognition through Fizzy Identity-Conditioned Diffusion Models
Boutros, Fadi; Grebe, Jonas Henry; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2023 Analysing Variational Autoencoder-based Anomaly Detection with Biometric Data
Born, Markus
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Hierarchical Compression of Geometry and Bounding Volume Hierarchies using Dynamic Bit Wise Encoding for Memory Efficient Ray Tracing on the GPU
Ditzinger, Amon
Master Thesis
2023 On the Development of Face Recognition using Synthetic Data and Unsupervised Representation Learning
Klemt, Marcel
Master Thesis
2023 Fairer Face Recognition Through Individual Score Normalisation
Hempel, Philipp Valentin
Bachelor Thesis
2023 QMagFace: Simple and Accurate Quality-Aware Face Recognition
Terhörst, Philipp; Ihlefeld, Malte; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Raja, Kiran; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2023 Explaining Face Image Quality with SHAP
Rethfeld, Louis Paul
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Patch-based Discriminative Learning for Iris Presentation Attack Detection
Ott, Janosch
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Animierte Transformationen zwischen drei unterschiedlichen Visualisierungen zu medizinischen Daten
Baumgartl, Tom
Master Thesis
2023 Vergleich von drei Verfahren zur Erstellung von künstlicher Transparenz
Henrich, Hennes
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Identity Synthesis via Latent Diffusion Models for Accurate Face Recognition
Grebe, Jonas Henry
Master Thesis
2023 Boosting the Generalizability and Fairness of Presentation Attack Detection
Fang, Meiling
Doctoral Thesis
2023 On the Origin of Gender Bias in Face Recognition
Kurz, Paul Jonas
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Unsupervised Face Recognition using Unlabeled Synthetic Data
Boutros, Fadi; Klemt, Marcel; Fang, Meiling; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2023 Tabellenvisualisierung und -Navigation mit einem Minimal-Zoom Überblick
Ohl, Julian Michael
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Synthetic Pose Dataset
Sterz, Hannah
Master Thesis
2023 Real-Time Indexing of Arbitrarily Attributed Point Clouds
Hermann, Paul
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Evaluation of Function as a Service for Cloud Workflows
Klohr, Hannah
Bachelor Thesis
2023 A GPU Ray Tracing Implementation for Triangular Grid Primitives
Buelow, Max von; Kuijper, Arjan; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2023 Uncertainty-aware Comparison Scores for Face Recognition
Huber, Marco; Terhörst, Philipp; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2023 Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition
Kolf, Jan Niklas; Rieber, Tim Jannik; Elliesen, Jurek; Boutros, Fadi; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2023 Analysis of Uncertainty Estimation Methods to Detect Drifts in Data Streams
Winter, Anton
Bachelor Thesis
2023 IDiff-Face: Synthetic-based Face Recognition through Fizzy Identity-Conditioned Diffusion Models
Boutros, Fadi; Grebe, Jonas Henry; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
2023 Backdoor Attacks on Face Recognition Systems
Dane, Leonidas
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Distortion-Based Transparency Detection Using Deep Learning on a Novel Synthetic Image Dataset
Knauthe, Volker; Pöllabauer, Thomas; Faller, Katharina; Kraus, Maurice; Wirth, Tristan; Buelow, Max von; Kuijper, Arjan; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2023 Implementing Deep G-Buffers for Stable Global Illumination Approximation with Vulkan and a Security Analysis of Linux Vulkan GPU Drivers
Schulz, Urs
Master Thesis
2023 Transparency Detection from Multi-View Data
Chahota, Karanveer Singh
Master Thesis
2023 In Situ Code Profiling IDE Feedback for CUDA Applications
Pauli, Armin
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Robustness of Image Segmentation Models for Images taken through Transparent Structures
Metzler, Simon Konstantin
Master Thesis
2023 Mesh Synthesis Based on Neural Radiance Fields
Ciotta, Luca
Bachelor Thesis
2023 iWOAR 2023, 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
2023 Transparency Segmentation by Region Similarity on Stereo Images
Erni, Michael
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Interactive Configuration of Multiple Dependent Parameters
Fischer, Marc
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Explaining Face Recognition Through SHAP-Based Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment
Biagi, Clara; Rethfeld, Louis; Kuijper, Arjan; Terhörst, Philipp
Conference Paper
2023 User-Centered Table Augmentation
Pöhlmann, Linda
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Enhancing Depth Estimate Quality of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)
Zheng, Teh-Hai Julian
Master Thesis
2023 A Combined Renderer for Neural Radiance Fields and Meshed Objects
Özkara, Bekir
Master Thesis
2023 Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition
Kolf, Jan Niklas; Rieber, Tim Jannik; Elliesen, Jurek; Boutros, Fadi; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
2023 Making Noise - Improving Seismocardiography Based Heart Analysis with Denoising Autoencoders
Burian, Jonas; Tödtmann, Helmut; Haescher, Marian; Aehnelt, Mario; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2023 Segmenting Transparent Structures in Real Life
Weitz, Paul Jakob
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Approximation of Router Geolocation and Route Visualization
Wagner, Felix
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Surface Reconstruction of Transparent Structures using Neural Volumetric Representations
Jamili, Aria
Master Thesis
2023 Komprimierung von materialwissenschaftlichen Bilddaten
Abbenante, Alessandro Michele
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment for Explainable Face Recognition
Terhörst, Philipp; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Raja, Kiran; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2023 One-to-many Reconstruction of 3D Geometry of cultural Artifacts using a synthetically trained Generative Model
Pöllabauer, Thomas; Kühn, Julius; Li, Jiayi; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2023 ExFaceGAN: Exploring Identity Directions in GAN’s Learned Latent Space for Synthetic Identity Generation
Boutros, Fadi; Klemt, Marcel; Fang, Meiling; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2023 Point Cloud Quality Metrics for Incremental Image-based 3D Reconstruction
Neumann, Kai
Master Thesis
2023 Simulation optischer 3D Scanner
Dambeck, Daniel
Bachelor Thesis
2023 Investigation and Improvements of Neural Field Efficiency and Quality
Berman, David
Master Thesis
2022 Masked Face Recognition: Human versus Machine
Damer, Naser; Boutros, Fadi; Süßmilch, Marius; Fang, Meiling; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Acquisition of EFS and Capacitive Measurement Data on Low-Power and Connected IoT Devices
Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Lenhart, Malte; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 Real Masks and Spoof Faces: On the Masked Face Presentation Attack Detection
Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Efficient and High Performing Biometrics: Towards Enabling Recognition in Embedded Domains
Boutros, Fadi
Doctoral Thesis
2022 QuantFace: Towards Lightweight Face Recognition by Synthetic Data Low-bit Quantization
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 Stating Comparison Score Uncertainty and Verification Decision Confidence Towards Transparent Face Recognition
Huber, Marco; Terhörst, Philipp; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 ElasticFace: Elastic Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
2022 Identification of Interesting Areas and Provisioning of Guidance in Scatter Plots
Stemmer, Martin
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Indexing of LiDAR Point Clouds during Capture
Dorra, Tobias
Master Thesis
2022 Visual Analytics on Enterprise Reports for Investment and Strategical Analysis
Nazir, Sibgha
Master Thesis
2022 Efficient Storage, Archiving, and Query Processing for Semantic Data in Smart Living
Khan, Daud Azim
Master Thesis
2022 The Overlapping Effect and Fusion Protocols of Data Augmentation Techniques in Iris PAD
Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Boutros, Fadi; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Design, Implementation and Evaluation of AR/VR Scenarios in Space Exploration
Fischer, Marion
Master Thesis
2022 Performance Comparison of E-Textile Electrode Properties in a Capacitive Proximity Sensing Setting
Faquiri, Silvia; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 Bias Exploration and Mitigation in Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems
Yang, Wufei
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Neural Networks for Indoor Localization based on Electric Field Sensing
Kirchbuchner, Florian; Andres, Moritz; Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 Low-resolution Iris Recognition via Knowledge Distillation
Kähm, Olga
Master Thesis
2022 Visual Comparison of Software Vulnerability Scanner Analysis
Friedrich, Ludwig Georg
Bachelor Thesis
2022 A Study on Subdivision and Displacement for Higher-Order Lagrange Elements in 3D Printing
Jariwala, Jigar
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Dense Stereo Object Pose Estimation
Emrich, Jan
Master Thesis
2022 Modifications to Neural Radiance Fields for Object Pose Estimation on unseen Object Appearances
Cao, Susanna
Master Thesis
2022 A Comprehensive Study on Face Recognition Biases Beyond Demographics
Terhörst, Philipp; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Huber, Marco; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Morales, Aythami; Fierrez, Julian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Entwicklung eines Lidarray-tracing Algorithmus mit Hilfe von OptiX
Walter, Angelo
Master Thesis
2022 Alignment and Reassembly of Broken Specimens for Creep Ductility Measurements
Knauthe, Volker; Kraus, Maurice; Buelow, Max von; Wirth, Tristan; Rak, Arne; Merth, Laurenz; Erbe, Alexander; Kontermann, Christian; Guthe, Stefan; Kuijper, Arjan; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2022 Double Deep Q-Learning with Prioritized Experience Replay for Anomaly Detection in Smart Environments
Fährmann, Daniel; Jorek, Nils; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Enhancing Recommendations in Visual Programming Environments
Liao, Jilin
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Optimizations for Passive Electric Field Sensing
Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 On Evaluating Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment
Huber, Marco; Terhörst, Philipp; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 On the Effect of Synthetic Data Generation on Face Recognition Performance
Rieber, Tim Jannik
Master Thesis
2022 PocketNet: Extreme Lightweight Face Recognition Network Using Neural Architecture Search and Multistep Knowledge Distillation
Boutros, Fadi; Siebke, Patrick; Klemt, Marcel; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Acceleration of an Autoencoder using a FPGA-SoC in a High-Performance Node of a Distributed Onboard Computer
Freitag, Timo
Master Thesis
2022 Convert a High-Polygon Mesh to a Low-Polygon Mesh with a Displacement Map
Lemke, Nick
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Optimierung der Markerverteilung zur geometrischen Kalibrierung in Cone-Beam-CT
Ballmann, Dorothea
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Self-restrained Triplet Loss for Accurate Masked Face Recognition
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2022 Multi View Focus Stacking
Wempe, Leon Julia
Master Thesis
2022 Low-resolution Iris Recognition via Knowledge Transfer
Boutros, Fadi; Kähm, Olga; Fang, Meiling; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2022 Realistic Simulation Techniques for Evaluating 3D Scanning Setups
Dworski, Patrick
Master Thesis
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Research Keywords: Computer Vision, 3D Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Biometry, Computer
Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, Biomedical Imaging, Applied Machine Learning, Mathematical Methods
for Computer Vision and Image Processing: Variational Methods, Partial Differential Equations, and Singularity

Publications and citations according to
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