Transparent Trading of Geodata: Fraunhofer IGD is developing a model for a data space and a data trustee with InGeo-X

How can existing geodata be made available and used economically? This question is addressed by the InGeoDTM project. The project aims to establish the foundations for a neutral platform where providers and potential users can come together. Together with partners, Fraunhofer IGD is developing InGeo-X, a model for a geodata space and a data trustee. The goal is to create a platform for transparent and reliable data trading.

Trading Geodata Transparently

Geodata plays an increasingly important role in addressing societal challenges. Whether solving environmental problems, optimizing traffic flows, or using resources sustainably, precise geographic information is indispensable. However, there are many providers and no uniform conditions, making it difficult for potential buyers to get an overview.

This is where the research project by Fraunhofer IGD and its partners comes in. The aim is to create a neutral platform where providers and interested organizations can efficiently come together. The InGeoForum is to be developed into a data trustee, acting as a mediator and advising on legal and organizational matters. Additionally, the availability, licensing conditions, and costs of the data will be transparently visible.

In Demand Across All Sectors


Geodata is used in many different areas, such as:

  • Smart City (e.g., predicting traffic flow in urban planning)
  • Forestry (e.g., forecasting damage areas after storms)
  • Healthcare (e.g., the impact of environmental factors like air quality on health)
  • Energy sector (e.g., site planning for renewable energy)

In these areas, precise geographic information is crucial for efficient planning and decision-making processes. The linking of previously isolated data silos—as envisioned by InGeo-X—opens up new opportunities. Based on the standards of the Gaia-X and IDSA (International Data Spaces Association) initiatives, data security is a top priority in this project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).



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