Customer Magazine

Dear friends and partners,

may we introduce? Our annual customer magazine VISUAL COMPUTING INSIGHTS! Last year, we - Fraunhofer IGD - set out to comprehensively highlight our research achievements in the innovation process. With a new strategic orientation we stay close to the pulse of social and industrial developments - this is reflected in VISUAL COMPUTING INSIGHTS! Browse through it and accompany our teams of experts in their work!


For the automotive sector, we develop next-generation visual-interactive solutions for all stages of the product lifecycle—from the draft design, to design review, to simulations, to quality assurance during the manufacture of individual components. Together, we are transforming the transportation technologies of tomorrow.


Autonomous driving: machines are learning to make sound decisions


Driving forward digital transformation with simulation, topology optimization and 3D printing


Upskilling in the automotive sector with VR


Enhanced end-of-line inspection of airbag gas generators

Health and care

We offer services to organizations active in the provision of medical care, i.e., in the healthcare, assisted living and related industries. Our digital solutions enable the personalization of medicine for individual patients. Throughout the development and evaluation of our technologies, we take into account patient privacy, data protection, reliable diagnostics, and thorough, consistent documentation.


A digital patient model as the basis for personalized treatment


When floors and beds assist with care and algorithms evaluate lungs


First patient receives fully digital 3D-printed prosthetic eye


Health tips from your computer

Information technology

With regard to the software and IT industry, we focus on businesses that provide, integrate or use software. We support organizations with their data-intensive applications, in particular with the development of efficient, interactive solutions for use cases ranging from data management systems to visual user interfaces.


Cybersecurity: Keeping a watchful eye on your network


Applied Quantum Computing: Milestones on the road to a revolution


TransparencyVis offers social media players a clear competitive advantage


Competitive advantage for vendors of CAD and CAE software: RISTRA accelerates simulations

Maritime economy

We support the digital transformation of the maritime industry. Hand in hand with you, we future-proof your capabilities with market-driven products and new business models. We seek to ensure the sustainable use of ocean resources through a spirit of innovation and our deep knowledge of the constraints and requirements of the maritime economy. We assist you with made-to-measure solutions for environments below, on, and by the sea.


Virtual and physical testing of underwater technology


Sustainable Ocean Business, Rostock/Lübeck


AR and pioneering sensors to enhance safety for diving expeditions recovering munitions


Interdisciplinary Fraunhofer Research Group Smart Ocean Technologies


Marispace-X: the oceans’ data cloud

Bioeconomics and infrastructure

We help organizations in the private and public sectors to make infrastructure more technologically advanced, socially inclusive and eco-friendly. We develop solutions that address all aspects of urban living. We leverage our core competency, visual computing, to empower our clients with technological and methodological tools that enable us all to better resolve our global challenges: climate change, health risks, energy security, and sustainable land use.


Protecting forests with visual computing


Artificial intelligence accelerates identification of suitable land for housing


Farmyard AI—high-tech solutions for sustainable agriculture

Cultural and creative economy

The more realistic a 3D-visualization, the richer and more varied its potential applications. Our broad range of 3D technologies helps our customers achieve a unique degree of precision, down to the finest details. Our proven 3D scanning and 3D printing solutions enable highly accurate one-off reproductions as well as fast, cost-effective processes for volume manufacturing. From scanning, to visualization, to the final 3D print—we have in-depth experience in the high-fidelity capture and reproduction of an object’s geometries.


3D-printed miniatures: from on-screen image to physical collectible


Deep Fakes: Can copies be art?

Innovation throughout entrepreneurship

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s mission is to develop new and innovative technologies for the economy and society. Spin-offs play a valuable and effective role as a bridge between the worlds of research and business—they are powerful catalysts for the transfer of innovation. By applying research findings to concrete business use cases, we lay the foundations for diverse developments. The right entrepreneurial spirit and business mindset, combined with scientific excellence, are the essential elements of a successful spin-off. For many years, Fraunhofer IGD has been a leading source of spin-offs within Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, encouraging innovation through entrepreneurship.

The researchers who work at Fraunhofer institutes are creative individuals who find ways to put good ideas into practice. It’s common for them to develop a new product or process, then found their own company to implement it. Fraunhofer is directly involved to a limited extent in startups of this kind. Sometimes customers of an innovation are also keen on partnering with the spinoff. This lets them participate in developing the technology further and reap long-term benefits. Typically, spinoffs remain in close touch with the Fraunhofer institute that spawned them. Based on their personal experience, spinoff founders appreciate the benefits of collaborative research, leverage their contacts, and are happy to continue working with Fraunhofer.

Threedy GmbH

Faster, more cost-effective 3D design

uCORE Systems GmbH

Smart ambient assisted living with Clou

Overview of all Fraunhofer IGD spin-offs