Infrastructure: Planning and Communication in Virtual Worlds

We develop solutions for smart infrastructure planning, citizen participation, and environmental monitoring using geodata (DGM, DLM, 3D city models, point clouds, remote sensing data, sensor data, planning data, etc.).

Our portfolio includes tools for handling large, heterogeneous geodata (Big Data) in cloud environments, as well as for training and developing AI models. With our many years of expertise in visualization, we have various technologies and ready-made software solutions for creating sophisticated visualizations of large geodata sets. We are a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and actively participate in testbeds and standardization in the community.

Our applied research focuses on topics such as controlling data processing in cloud infrastructures, AI-based evaluation of remote sensing data and point clouds, and interactive 3D web visualization.

Our offer

  • Technology expertise from applied research on the topics of "Digital Twin" and "AI and Big Data".
  • Application development for interactive visualizations with 3D geodata and evaluation of large data sets using artificial intelligence.
  • Scientific consulting and knowledge transfer for the areas of geoinformation, urban digital twins, and artificial intelligence for geo and environmental data.
  • Our Projects


    Planning tools for fiber optic roll-out


    Visual city planning


    Safe and fair integration of drones into German airspace


    Interactive mobility planning


    Development of an AI platform for adapting forestry to climate change

    Technologies and services

    Visualizations for the digital twin

    Machine Learning for image and point cloud analysis in the geo and environmental sector

    Cloud Computing and geodata

    Processing large data volumes