Plant@Hand3D is a graphical, centralized monitoring and controlling solution for production plants. It integrates data from different systems and visualises them by using a 3D model of the production plant.

Everyday business produces large amounts of data, which are often managed in different systems (ranging from MES to ERP) and are also of restricted transparency. Plant@Hand3D visualises these data in an integrative and comprehensible way. It functions as a central station for both, the supervision and controlling of production, integrating information from existing sources and representing it in a 3D model of the production plant. The central environment for planning and controlling is a big multi-touch table which allows an intuitive and interactive access to the information. For each workplace detailed information on key figures, status or work tasks can be retrieved.
Furthermore, the system allows the connection of external displays, like big monitors, tablets, smartphones and smartwatches, which opens up manifold possibilities of collaboration. Thus, every information can be visualised and processed on different devices. With Plant@Hand3D a completely new access to production data with a wide range of possible expansions and applications is realised.