Computer Graphics Night 2019 – award winners
Like every year, Fraunhofer IGD was looking for the brightest heads of visual computing at the Computer Graphics Night.

The jury, consisting of scientists from Fraunhofer IGD and chairs associated with the institute, had no easy task this year either. Now, however, the winners have been chosen. Once again, we would like to congratulate and thank the numerous guests who contributed to a wonderful winter evening in the 21st edition.
Brochure with additional information on the nominees
AWARD WINNERS | »Best Thesis«
Daniel Ströter
»Tetrahedral Mesh Processing and Data Structures for Adaptive Volumetric Mesh Booleans on GPUs«
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. André Stork, Johannes Mueller-Roemer, MSc
Yousif Hashisho
»Underwater Image Enhancement using Autoencoders«
Supervisors: Uwe Fr. v. Lukas, Oliver Staadt, Mohamad Albadawi, Tom Krause
Fadi Boutros
»Reducing Ethnic Bias of Face Recognition by Ethnic Augmentation«
Supervisors: Arjan Kuijper, Naser Damer
AWARD WINNER | »Impact on Business«
Alan Brunton (Fraunhofer IGD)
Can Ates Arikan (Fraunhofer IGD)
Tejas Madan Tanksale (Fraunhofer IGD)
Philipp Urban (Fraunhofer IGD/Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology)
"3D Printing Spatially Varying Color and Translucency"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37.4 (2018): 157
AWARD WINNER | »Impact on Science«
Simon Meister (TU Darmstadt Visual Inference)
Junhwa Hur (TU Darmstadt Visual Inference)
Stefan Roth (TU Darmstadt Visual Inference)
"UnFlow: Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow with a Bidirectional Census Loss"
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2018.
AWARD WINNER | »Impact on Society«
Naser Damer (Fraunhofer IGD / TU Darmstadt MAVC)
Yaza Wainakh (Fraunhofer IGD)
Viola Boller (Fraunhofer IGD)
Sven von den Berken (Fraunhofer IGD)
Philipp Terhörst (Fraunhofer IGD)
Andreas Braun (Fraunhofer IGD / TU Darmstadt MAVC)
Arjan Kuijper (Fraunhofer IGD / TU Darmstadt MAVC)
"CrazyFaces: Unassisted Circumvention of Watchlist Face Identification"
2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS): 1-9
AWARD WINNER | »Best Industrial Project Award«
1st place
"CultArm3D-P – autonomous, color-calibrated 3D scanning robot"
on behalf of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
by the Department "Cultural Heritage Digitization"
2nd place
Department "Virtual & Augmented Reality"
3rd place
Department "Visual Computing System Technologies"