Public Projects

In publicly funded projects, we share our expertise with partners from business and science. Together, we support policymakers in developing solutions for the social challenges of the present and the future in various fields of innovation and technology.


Automotive Industry


Machine learning in quality assurance systems

MODAL is a publicly funded project of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in cooperation with Optonic.


Safety and availability optimization for driverless transport systems

In the AiF project proSVIFT is working on an approach for automated self-protection within a vehicle.



Biomarkers for the analysis of lymph nodes

ECHOMICS is a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of its initiative SME-Innovative.


Production and supply chain methods for urgent need of vitalmedical supplies

The CO-VERSATILE project aims to enhance European manufacturing’s adaptability and resilience for urgent medical supply needs.



The aim of the MeDiTwin project is to develop a comprehensive user interface for a medical digital twin.


Healthier working in front of the computer screen

STRAP enables early recognition of mental and physical stress and intervenes to prevent the onset of headaches, tension and frustration.


3D-printed prosthetic eyes

A project at Fraunhofer IGD called Click2Print Artificial Eyes (C2PAE) is devoted to developing 3D-printed eye protheses.


Autonomous Robotic Rollator

Dubbed “RoRo”, the autonomous robotic rollator provides support in hospitals or nursing homes by analyzing how users walk after knee surgery.


Multichannel ECG without electrodes

Guardio is an innovative technology for recording multichannel ECGs.


Sensor-based system for capturing psychological stresses at workplaces

SEBA is a project set out to develop a system for objectively measuring stress.



AI-based planning of surgery and risk analysis

RENALCARE is developing software solutions to support patient-specific decisions in cases of kidney cancer.



Lung sonography for Covid-19

As part of the LUSCOV project, ultrasound images of the lungs are being examined.


Parkinson’s Monitor

An interactive Web app that enables Parkinson’s patients and medical personnel to understand the symptoms and outlook better

Information Technology


National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE

The National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE.


Participatory development and implementation of mobility concepts in the digital twin



Safe and fair integration of drones into German airspace

The research project fAIRport seeks to automatically define no-fly zones for drones.

Maritime Economy


The use of augmented reality and intelligent assistance systems in maritime service products

In the future, it should be possible for the maritime sector to provide digital services for ships at sea via a special service platform.



Development of an AI platform for adapting forestry to climate change

Rapid global warming and associated stresses such as hurricanes, flooding and prolonged drought pose a major risk to forestry.


Drones and AI for sustainable grassland farming

Grassland makes up around 40 percent of the Earth’s land mass; the livelihood of around two billion people worldwide is directly dependent it.


Disease and stress detection in strawberries by means of visual computing


LabelledGreenData4All – Annotated Datasets as a Driving Force for Innovation in the Environmental Sector


Digital processes for sustainable and efficient fish farming


DIG-IT! Digitizing Natural Complexity to Solve Socially Relevant Ecological Problems


Non-invasive pulse and temperature reading for cows


AI methods for the early detection of equine diseases