STRAP - Healthier working in front of the computer screen

The health of employees is essential, whether they are working in the company office or at home. The aim of the STRAP project is to encourage correct posture and enable stress-free mental productivity by means of a mobile system that is set up at the workplace.

© Deep Care GmbH

Focus on mental and physical health

STRAP enables early recognition of mental and physical stress and intervenes to prevent the onset of headaches, tension and frustration. Working at a desk can lead to long-term health problems such as musculoskeletal complaints and mental illness. Companies therefore have a vested interest in improving the working conditions and health of their employees, not least with the aim of minimizing absenteeism.


Intelligent health assistant

The STRAP system anonymously records vital parameters and posture via an integrated sensor system and evaluates them. The software uses machine learning to determine the optimum individual stress threshold for each user. If the software detects relevant stress symptoms, it suggests relaxation measures such as stretching or meditation. The artificial intelligence-based software then evaluates whether the intervention was successful and whether the workplace situation has improved.


Digitalized occupational health management

In those companies where stress detection has been a component of the prescribed risk assessment at the workplace, it has until now mostly taken place by means of questionnaires and personal interviews. Measurement methods such as ECG electrodes or tight-fitting pulse belts are not very practical in everyday working life. STRAP uses unobtrusive sensor technology and, thanks to its clear user interface, introduces an element of convenience into healthcare.


What parameters does STRAP record?

In the STRAP project, distance and light sensors plus radar and environmental sensors record environmental and user-specific parameters such as posture and movement, as well as vital data such as breathing and blinking rates. The data (which cannot be traced back to the individual monitored) is combined to generate a stress factor, allowing unobtrusive interventions to be made in the event of safety thresholds being exceeded and suitable exercises to be suggested to the user.


Developments in technology

STRAP is a collaborative project with industry partner Deep Care GmbH, the ultimate objective of which is to make the technology available to users and market it as a stand-alone assistance device. Deep Care GmbH is an expert provider of AI-supported health coaching that intuitively integrates healthy routines into everyday working life.



Healthcare industries

We offer services to organizations active in the provision of medical care, i.e., in the healthcare, assisted living and related industries.

Our digital solutions enable the personalization of medicine for individual patients. Throughout the development and evaluation of our technologies, we take into account patient privacy, data protection, reliable diagnostics, and thorough, consistent documentation.