Martin Ritz


Martin Ritz has been deputy head of Competence Center Cultural Heritage Digitization since 2012 after working as research fellow for three years at Fraunhofer IGD in the department of Industrial Applications (today: Interactive Engineering Technologies). In parallel to technical coordination, his research topics include acquisition of 3D geometry as well as optical material properties, meaning light interaction of surfaces up to complete objects, for arbitrary combinations of light and observer directions. Challenges in both domains are equally design and implementation of algorithms as well as conceptualization and realization of novel scanning systems in hardware and software with the goal of complete automation in mind.

Martin Ritz received his Master of Science degree in Informatics 2009 from the Technische Universität Darmstadt. The focus of his final thesis in the domain of photogrammetry was the extension of „Multi-view Stereo“ by the advantages of the „Photometric Stereo“ approach in order to reach better results and a more complete measurement data coverage during 3D reconstruction.

During his studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, he received his Master of Science degree computer science in 2008. His Bachelor of Science thesis from 2006 in the context of the European research project SmartSketches at Fraunhofer IGD targeted the implementation of a consistency mechanism satisfying continuity constraints between freeform surfaces.