Daniel Weber

Daniel Weber studied computer science and received his PhD from the Technische Universität Darmstadt in 2015. In his dissertation “Interactive Physically Based Simulation - Efficient Higher-Order Elements, Multigrid Approaches and Massively Parallel Data Structures” he developed novel methods for physically based simulation that significantly reduce the computation time and therefore allow much more details in interactive simulations.

Since 2008 he has been working as a researcher at Fraunhofer IGD in the department “Interactive Engineering Technologies”. His research interests are physically based simulation in the domains of structural mechanics and fluid dynamics and parallelization on multi-core and many-core architectures. He started leading the group “Interactive Simulation” in 2013 that additionally researches the topics “Novel data structures for volumetric modelling and simulation” and “Domain specific languages for parallel execution of simulation algorithms”.

From 2014 to 2023 he has been deputy head of the department “Interactive Engineering Technologies”. Since September 2023 he is the head of the department.

Publication Type
2024 GPU-beschleunigte automatische Kontakterkennung
Ferreira, Stephanie; Schulz, Tristan; Besler, Sebastian; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel
Conference Paper
2024 Projection-Based Handling of Contact Constraints
Ferreira, Stephanie; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel
Conference Paper
2023 GPU-accelerated Optimization with Structural Analysis
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Ferreira, Stephanie; Besler, Sebastian; Stork, Andre
2022 Accelerated Airborne Virus Spread Simulation: Coupling Agent-based Modeling with GPU-accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics
Schinko, Christoph; Shao, Lin; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel; Zhang, Xingzi; Lee, Eugene; Sander, Bastian; Steinhardt, Alexander; Settgast, Volker; Eggeling, Eva; Erdt, Marius; Chen, Kan
Conference Paper
2022 Fast harmonic tetrahedral mesh optimization
Ströter, D.; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel; Fellner, Dieter
Journal Article
2021 Interacting with FEM Simulated Tubes in AR
Olbrich, Manuel; Weber, Daniel; Franek, Andreas
Conference Paper
2020 Rapid Interactive Structural Analysis
Weber, Daniel; Grasser, Tim; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Stork, André
2018 Continuous Property Gradation for Multi-material 3D-printed Objects
Altenhofen, Christian; Grasser, Tim; Luu, Thu Huong; Dennstädt, Marco; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2015 Interaktive physikalisch-basierte Simulation auf verteilten Systemen
Lassmann, Andreas
Master Thesis
2015 Deformation simulation using cubic finite elements and efficient p-multigrid methods
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2015 Effiziente Simulation von Masse-Feder-Systemen
Schuwirth, Felix
Bachelor Thesis
2015 A cut-cell geometric multigrid poisson solver for fluid simulation
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2015 Interactive physically based simulation - efficient higher-order elements, multigrid approaches and massively parallel data structures
Weber, Daniel
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Collision handling between rigid and deformable bodies with continuous penalty forces
Daun, Kevin
Bachelor Thesis
2014 Wind tunnel test and CFD/CAA analysis on a scaled model of a nose landing gear
Adachi, Seiji; Brandstätt, Peter; Herget, Wolfgang; Leistner, Philip; Landersheim, Volker; Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian
Conference Paper
2014 A p-multigrid algorithm using cubic finite elements for efficient deformation simulation
Weber, Daniel; Müller-Römer, Johannes; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2014 Position-based simulation of continuous materials
Bender, Jan; Koschier, Dan; Charrier, Patrick; Weber, Daniel
Journal Article
2014 Smart Droop Nose for application to Laminar Wing of future Green Regional A/C
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Simpson, J.; Adachi, S.; Herget, W.; Landersheim, Volker; Laveuve, Dominik
Conference Paper
2013 Efficient GPU data structures and methods to solve sparse linear systems in dynamics applications
Weber, Daniel; Bender, Jan; Schnös, Markus; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2013 Fast and stable cloth simulation based on multi-resolution shape matching
Bender, Jan; Weber, Daniel; Diziol, Raphael
Journal Article
2012 Rapid CFD für die frühe konzeptionelle Design Phase
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2012 Enabling virtual assembly training in and beyond the automotive industry
Stork, André; Sevilmis, Neyir; Weber, Daniel; Gorecky, Dominic; Stahl, Christian; Loskyll, Matthias; Michel, Frank
Conference Paper
2012 Schnelle Strömungsberechnungen mit GPU
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2012 Energy-preserving integrators for fluid animation with discrete exterior calculus on two-dimensional meshes
Grasser, Tim
Bachelor Thesis
2011 Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier-form
Weber, Daniel; Kalbe, Thomas; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.; Goesele, Michael
Journal Article
2011 Two-dimensional circulation-preserving fluid simulation with discrete exterior calculus
Räsch, Sascha
Bachelor Thesis
2011 Splines auf Tetraederpartitionen für physikalisch basierte Deformationssimulation
Müller, Constantin
Bachelor Thesis
2011 Rapid CFD for the early conceptual design phase
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 A geometric multigrid method for simulating deformable models on unstructured, non-nested mesh hierarchies
Gast, Jochen
Bachelor Thesis
2010 Iterative SLE solvers over a CPU-GPU platform
Binotto, Alecio; Daniel, Christian G.; Weber, Daniel; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2009 Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier form
Weber, Daniel; Kalbe, Thomas; Goesele, Michael; Stork, André
2008 Trivariate Bernstein-Bézier-Techniken für Finite Elemente zur interaktiven Simulation von Deformationen
Weber, Daniel
Diploma Thesis
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Daniel Weber's research interests are physically based simulation in the domains of structural mechanics and fluid dynamics and parallelization on multi-core and many-core architectures. He started leading the group “Interactive simulation” in 2013 that additionally researches the topics “Novel data structures for volumetric modelling and simulation” and “GPU data structures for interactive simulation” and “Optimization in computer graphics”.