André Stork


André Stork is head of division at Fraunhofer IGD and professor at Technical University Darmstadt.

He studied computer science and received his doctoral degree from the TU Darmstadt in 2000. The topic of his dissertation was “3D interaction and visualization techniques for user centered modelling applications”.

In 1992 he received his diploma in computer science.
From 1992 to 1994, he worked as a researcher at the Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV e.V.), Darmstadt, in image classification, neuronal networks, image analysis and animation.

From 1994 to 2023 he has been working in the department for Interactive Engineering Technologies (former: Industrial Applications), first as a researcher and since 2002 as head of the department. During this period the department conducted 200 R&D projects funded by industry or publicly. The companies span a wide range of market sectors, e.g., automotive, manufacturing, SW vendors, education, etc.

In 2023 he took over the role of head of division coordinating and representing R&D related to the automotive and manufacturing industries as well as the software vendors active in this field.

His major fields of expertise and research interests are geometry modelling and processing, 2D/3D interaction, simulation, and scientific visualization.

André Stork has authored and co-authored more than 200 papers (h-index:25) and published them at various conferences/symposia, e.g. sponsored by IEEE, ACM, Eurographics.  He has been a member of the program committee or acted as a reviewer in international conferences, workshops, and journals.

He is member of IEEE, Eurographics, ACM, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), and VDI.

Since January 2023 he also acts as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Professional activities for the following conferences and journals:

  • ACM/EUROGRAPHICS Expressive – CAe + SBIM + NPAR (Member of the Program Committee)
  • IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine (Member of the Editorial Board)
  • The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (IPC-Member)
  • VSMM 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Program committee)
  • MDPI Applied Sciences (Co-Editor Special Issue "XR-aided Design (XAD): Shaping the Future of CAD")



  • ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
  • ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
  • ASME World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality - WINVR
  • CAD Journal, Elsevier
  • CAGD - Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier
  • CGI Computer Graphics International
  • Computers & Graphics, Elsevier
  • DDMC 2018 – Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference
  • Digital Heritage
  • DKE Journal, Elsevier
  • EPCG 17° Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
  • 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage - GCH
  • EUROGRAPHICS Cultural Heritage Track
  • EUROGRAPHICS Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - VAST
  • EUROGRAPHICS Sketch-based Interactive Modeling - SBIM
  • Fire Safety Journal, Springer
  • GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing
  • H2020 FET-OPEN RIA
  • IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - ISMAR
  • IEEE Virtual Reality
  • IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Journal
  • IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
  • Interaccao Congresso Interacção
  • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing - IJIDeM
  • International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
  • ISPA - The 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
  • ReConFig - International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs
  • The Visual Computer Journal, Springer
  • Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Taylor & Francis
  • VRIC Virtual Reality International Conference – Laval Virtual – ACM
  • VSMM International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia