André Stork

André Stork is head of division at Fraunhofer IGD and professor at Technical University Darmstadt.

He studied computer science and received his doctoral degree from the TU Darmstadt in 2000. The topic of his dissertation was “3D interaction and visualization techniques for user centered modelling applications”.

In 1992 he received his diploma in computer science.
From 1992 to 1994, he worked as a researcher at the Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV e.V.), Darmstadt, in image classification, neuronal networks, image analysis and animation.

From 1994 to 2023 he has been working in the department for Interactive Engineering Technologies (former: Industrial Applications), first as a researcher and since 2002 as head of the department. During this period the department conducted 200 R&D projects funded by industry or publicly. The companies span a wide range of market sectors, e.g., automotive, manufacturing, SW vendors, education, etc.

In 2023 he took over the role of head of division coordinating and representing R&D related to the automotive and manufacturing industries as well as the software vendors active in this field.

His major fields of expertise and research interests are geometry modelling and processing, 2D/3D interaction, simulation, and scientific visualization.

André Stork has authored and co-authored more than 200 papers (h-index:25) and published them at various conferences/symposia, e.g. sponsored by IEEE, ACM, Eurographics.  He has been a member of the program committee or acted as a reviewer in international conferences, workshops, and journals.

He is member of IEEE, Eurographics, ACM, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), and VDI.

Since January 2023 he also acts as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Professional activities for the following conferences and journals:

  • ACM/EUROGRAPHICS Expressive – CAe + SBIM + NPAR (Member of the Program Committee)
  • IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine (Member of the Editorial Board)
  • The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (IPC-Member)
  • VSMM 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Program committee)
  • MDPI Applied Sciences (Co-Editor Special Issue "XR-aided Design (XAD): Shaping the Future of CAD")



  • ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
  • ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
  • ASME World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality - WINVR
  • CAD Journal, Elsevier
  • CAGD - Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier
  • CGI Computer Graphics International
  • Computers & Graphics, Elsevier
  • DDMC 2018 – Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference
  • Digital Heritage
  • DKE Journal, Elsevier
  • EPCG 17° Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
  • 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage - GCH
  • EUROGRAPHICS Cultural Heritage Track
  • EUROGRAPHICS Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - VAST
  • EUROGRAPHICS Sketch-based Interactive Modeling - SBIM
  • Fire Safety Journal, Springer
  • GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing
  • H2020 FET-OPEN RIA
  • IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - ISMAR
  • IEEE Virtual Reality
  • IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Journal
  • IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
  • Interaccao Congresso Interacção
  • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing - IJIDeM
  • International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
  • ISPA - The 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
  • ReConFig - International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs
  • The Visual Computer Journal, Springer
  • Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Taylor & Francis
  • VRIC Virtual Reality International Conference – Laval Virtual – ACM
  • VSMM International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia

Publication Type
2025 Automated generation of deployment descriptors for managing microservices-based applications in the cloud to edge continuum
DesLauriers, James; Kovacs, Jozsef; Kiss, Tamas; Stork, Andre; Pena Serna, Sebastian; Ullah, Amjad
Journal Article
2024 The Making of "The Big 50: Celebrating 50 ACM SIGGRAPH Conferences"
Whitton, Mary C.; Johnson, Chris R.; Kasik, David J.; Stork, Andre
Journal Article
2024 Massively Parallel Editing and Post-Processing of Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes for Virtual Prototyping
Ströter, Daniel
Doctoral Thesis
2024 Wildfire, Snow, and, Panoramic Ray Tracing
Stork, Andre; Fu, Chi-Wing
2024 EIC's Editorial
Stork, Andre
2024 Wettbewerbsfaktor Digitaler Industriestandort
Altendeitering, Marcel; Behrens, Roland; Binz, Vera; Birnstill, Pascal; Bocklisch, Franziska; Eul, Ursula; Flores-Herr, Nicolas; Fritz, Michael; Hölzle, Katharina; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Jost, Jana; Kerner, Sören; Klein, Peter; Kraus, Werner; Lange-Bever, Christoph; Laß, Dietmar; Lutz, Juliane; Lux, Simon; Luyken, Richard Johannes; Peinsipp-Byma, Elisabeth; Petereit, Janko; Plogsties, Jan; Prasuhn, Pierre; Sauer, Olaf; Schimmler, Sonja; Schlegel, Andreas; Schmidtke, Niels; Steiert, Maximilian; Stiller, Michael; Stork, Andre; Todtermuschke, Marcel
2024 EIC's Editorial
Stork, Andre
2024 A Survey on Cage‐based Deformation of 3D Models
Ströter, Daniel; Thiery, J.M.; Hormann, K.; Chang, Q.; Chen, J.; Besler, Sebastian; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Boubekeur, T.; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
Journal Article
2024 EIC's Editorial
Stork, Andre
2023 Metaverse: Technologies for Virtual Worlds
Wischgoll, Thomas; Stork, Andre; Schilling, Herbert; Scheuermann, Gerik
2023 GPU-accelerated Optimization with Structural Analysis
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Ferreira, Stephanie; Besler, Sebastian; Stork, Andre
2023 EIC's Editorial
Stork, Andre
2023 Massively Parallel Adaptive Collapsing of Edges for Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes
Ströter, Daniel; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2023 2022/2023 IEEE CG&A Awards
Fu, Chi-Wing; Stork, Andre
2023 Greetings From the New EIC
Stork, Andre
2022 Physics-driven Digital Twin for Laser Powder Bed Fusion on GPUs
Ferreira, Stephanie; Klein, Benjamin; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2022 GraMMaCAD: Interactively Defining Spatially Varying FGMs on BRep CAD Models
Luu, Thu Huong; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2022 Industrial digitalization in the industry 4.0 era: Classification, reuse and authoring of digital models on Digital Twin platforms
Zambrano, Valentina; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Sandberg, Michael; Talasila, Prasad; Zanin, Davide; Larsen, Peter Gorm; Loeschner, Elke; Thronicke, Wolfgang; Pietraroia, Dario; Landolfi, Giuseppe; Fontana, Alessandro; Laspalas, Manuel; Antony, Jibinraj; Poser, Valerie; Kiss, Tamas; Bergweiler, Simon; Pena Serna, Sebastian; Izquierdo, Salvador; Viejo , Ismael; Juan , Asier; Serrano, Francisco; Stork, Andre
Journal Article
2022 Additive Manufacturing Interfaces. AMI Recommendation
Stork, Andre; Balinsky, Helen; Glaesner, Kai Henri; Just, Stefan; Ríos, José
2021 Volumetric Subdivision for Efficient Integrated Modeling and Simulation
Altenhofen, Christian
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Analyzing and Improving the Parameterization Quality of Catmull-Clark Solids for Isogeometric Analysis
Altenhofen, Christian; Ewald, Tobias; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2021 GPU-Parallel Constant-Time Limit Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Solids
Besler, Sebastian; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
Conference Paper
2020 Rapid Interactive Structural Analysis
Weber, Daniel; Grasser, Tim; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Stork, André
2020 OLBVH: Octree linear bounding volume hierarchy for volumetric meshes
Ströter, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2020 Analysis of Schedule and Layout Tuning for Sparse Matrices with Compound Entries on GPUs
Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2019 Joint Schedule and Layout Autotuning for Sparse Matrices with Compound Entries on GPUs
Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2019 GPU Data Structures and Code Generation for Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization
Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian
Doctoral Thesis
2019 Efficient slicing of Catmull-Clark solids for 3D printed objects with functionally graded material
Luu, Thu Huong; Altenhofen, Christian; Ewald, Tobias; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2018 Continuous Property Gradation for Multi-material 3D-printed Objects
Altenhofen, Christian; Grasser, Tim; Luu, Thu Huong; Dennstädt, Marco; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2018 CAE/VR integration - a qualitative assessment of advanced visualization for interactive conceptual simulations (ICS) in industrial use
Graf, Holger; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2018 GPU-based polynomial finite element matrix assembly for simplex meshes
Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Stork, André
Journal Article
2017 Integrating interactive design and simulation for mass customized 3D-printed objects - a cup holder example
Altenhofen, Christian; Loosmann, Felix; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Grasser, Tim; Luu, Thu Huong; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2017 Ternary sparse matrix representation for volumetric mesh subdivision and processing on GPUs
Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, André
Journal Article
2017 Volumetric subdivision for consistent implicit mesh generation
Altenhofen, Christian; Schuwirth, Felix; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2017 Rixels: Towards secure interactive 3D graphics in engineering clouds
Altenhofen, Christian; Dietrich, Andreas; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2017 CAE/VR Integration - A Path to Follow? A Validation Based on Industrial Use
Graf, Holger; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2017 CSG ray tracing revisited: Interactive rendering of massive models made of non-planar higher order primitives
Mostajabodaveh, Seyedmorteza; Dietrich, Andreas; Gierlinger, Thomas; Michel, Frank; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2017 Implicit Mesh Generation Using Volumetric Subdivision
Altenhofen, Christian; Schuwirth, Felix; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2016 Industrie 4.0: Cyber-physical equivalence
Sevilmis, Neyir; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2016 Adaptives und hybrides SLAM für handgeführte RGBD-Kameras
Luu, Thu Huong
Master Thesis
2016 Engineering im Umfeld von Industrie 4.0
2016 Rixels: Towards secure interactive 3D graphics in engineering clouds
Altenhofen, Christian; Dietrich, Andreas; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2015 Intuitive 3D-Interaktion für Design und Modellierung von volumetrischen Strukturen
Berz, Florian
Master Thesis
2015 Schnelle und wasserdichte Triangulierung von Punktwolken für die interaktive Simulation
Rücker, Marko
Bachelor Thesis
2015 Interaktive punktbasierte Visualisierung großer oberflächenbezogener Simulationsdaten
Windisch, Sebastian
Master Thesis
2015 Interaktive physikalisch-basierte Simulation auf verteilten Systemen
Lassmann, Andreas
Master Thesis
2015 Deformation simulation using cubic finite elements and efficient p-multigrid methods
Weber, Daniel; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2015 Visual computing challenges of advanced manufacturing and industrie 4.0
Stork, André
Journal Article
2015 Effiziente Simulation von Masse-Feder-Systemen
Schuwirth, Felix
Bachelor Thesis
2015 Future directions in computer graphics and visualization: From CG&A's editorial board
Encarnação, L. Miguel; Chuang, Yung-Yu; Stork, André; Kasik, Dave; Rhyne, Theresa-Marie; Avila, Lisa S.; Kohlhammer, Jörn; LaViola, Joseph J.; Tory, Melanie; Dill, John; Domik, Gitta; Owen, G. Scott; Wong, Pak Chung
2015 Automatische und geführte Anreicherung von Building Information Models mit Strukturelementen aus 3D-Punktwolken
Kadel, Simon
Bachelor Thesis
2014 A p-multigrid algorithm using cubic finite elements for efficient deformation simulation
Weber, Daniel; Müller-Römer, Johannes; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2014 A modular architecture for a driving simulator based on the FDMU approach
Filippo, Francesco de; Stork, André; Schmedt, Hendrik; Bruno, Fabio
Journal Article
2014 4D reconstruction of the past: The image retrieval and 3D model construction pipeline
Hadjiprocopis, A.; Ioannides, M.; Wenzel, K.; Rothermel, M.; Johnsons, P.S.; Fritsch, D.; Doulamis, A.; Protopapadakis, E.; Kyriakaki, G.; Makantasis, K.; Weinlinger, G.; Klein, M.; Fellner, D.; Stork, A.; Santos, P.
Conference Paper
2014 Industrie 4.0 - Evolution statt Revolution
Lukas, Uwe von; Stork, André; Behr, Johannes
Journal Article
2014 The potential of 3D internet in the cultural heritage domain
Santos, Pedro; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Interactive 3D subdomaining using adaptive FEM based on solutions to the dual problem
Graf, Holger; Larson, Mats; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2014 Cloud-based 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage monuments using open access image repositories
Hadjiprocopis, Andreas; Wenzel, Konrad; Rothermel, Mathias; Ioannides, Marinos; Fritsch, Dieter; Klein, Michael; Johnsons, Paul S.; Weinlinger, Guenther; Doulamis, Anastasios; Protopapadakis, Eftychios; Kyriakaki, Georgia; Makantasis, Kostas; Fellner, Dieter W.; Stork, André; Santos, Pedro
Conference Paper
2013 Visual Computing für die nächste industrielle Revolution
Lukas, Uwe von; Stork, André
Journal Article
2013 Erkennung und Erschließung von Rohstoffpotentialen aus dem Hochbau
Woidasky, Jörg; Stier, Christian; Stork, André; Sevilmis, Neyir; Schultmann, Frank; Stengel, Julian
Conference Paper
2013 Virtual reality based interactive conceptual simulations
Graf, Holger; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2013 Fast delivery of 3D web content: A case study
Limper, Max; Wagner, Stefan; Stein, Christian; Jung, Yvonne; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2013 4D reconstruction of the past
Doulamis, Anastasios; Ioannides, Marinos; Doulamis, Nikolaos; Hadjiprocopis, Andreas; Fritsch, Dieter; Balet, Olivier; Julien, Martine; Protopapadakis, Eftychios; Makantasis, Kostas; Weinlinger, Guenther; Johnsons, Paul S.; Klein, Michael; Fellner, Dieter W.; Stork, André; Santos, Pedro
Conference Paper
2013 Efficient GPU data structures and methods to solve sparse linear systems in dynamics applications
Weber, Daniel; Bender, Jan; Schnös, Markus; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2013 Embodiment discrete processing
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2012 Interactive semantic enrichment of 3D cultural heritage collections
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Schmedt, Hendrik; Ritz, Martin; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2012 Removing the example from example-based photometric stereo
Ackermann, Jens; Ritz, Martin; Stork, André; Goesele, Michael
Conference Paper
2012 VAST 2012, 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Conference Proceeding
2012 Rapid CFD für die frühe konzeptionelle Design Phase
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2012 LoCoStreaming - Lossy compression for 3D geometry streaming
Bodas, S.; Santos, P.; Ritz, M.; Stork, A.
Conference Paper
2012 VAST 2012, 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Short and Project Papers
Conference Proceeding
2012 Enabling virtual assembly training in and beyond the automotive industry
Stork, André; Sevilmis, Neyir; Weber, Daniel; Gorecky, Dominic; Stahl, Christian; Loskyll, Matthias; Michel, Frank
Conference Paper
2012 High resolution acquisition of detailed surfaces with lens-shifted structured light
Ritz, Martin; Langguth, Fabian; Scholz, Manuel; Goesele, Michael; Stork, André
Journal Article
2012 Energy-preserving integrators for fluid animation with discrete exterior calculus on two-dimensional meshes
Grasser, Tim
Bachelor Thesis
2012 3D-COFORM - tools and expertise for 3D collection formation
Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2012 Schnelle Strömungsberechnungen mit GPU
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Journal Article
2012 Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning
Bein, Matthias; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2012 Semantically rich 3D documentation for the preservation of tangible heritage
Rodriguez Echavarria, Karina; Theodoridou, Maria; Georgis, Christos; Arnold, David; Doerr, Martin; Stork, André; Peña Serna, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2011 Splines auf Tetraederpartitionen für physikalisch basierte Deformationssimulation
Müller, Constantin
Bachelor Thesis
2011 3D-centered media linking and semantic enrichment through integrated searching, browsing, viewing and annotating
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Scopigno, Roberto; Doerr, Martin; Theodoridou, Maria; Georgis, Christos; Ponchio, Federico; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2011 LIS3D: Low-Cost 6DOF laser interaction for outdoor mixed reality
Santos, Pedro; Schmedt, Hendrik; Amend, Bernd; Hammer, Philip; Giera, Ronny; Hergenröther, Elke; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2011 Interactive exploration of design variations
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2011 Considerations toward a dynamic mesh data structure
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2011 An effective dynamic scheduling runtime and tuning system for heterogeneous multi and many-core desktop platforms
Binotto, Alecio; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2011 Genetic B-spline approximation on combined B-reps
Bein, Matthias; Fellner, Dieter W.; Stork, André
Journal Article
2011 Dense 3D reconstruction and object recognition using a minimum set of inside-out images
Gandhe, Adwait
Bachelor Thesis
2011 A comparison of xPU platforms exemplified with ray tracing algorithms
Huff, Rafael; Gierlinger, Thomas; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2011 Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier-form
Weber, Daniel; Kalbe, Thomas; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.; Goesele, Michael
Journal Article
2011 Linear static, real-time finite element computations based on element masks
Graf, Holger; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2011 Rapid CFD for the early conceptual design phase
Weber, Daniel; Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2011 Adaption von Verfahren der Geometrieanalyse aus industriellen Anwendungen auf das Problem der Bestimmung von 3D-Wasser-Land-Grenzen
Stork, André; Bein, Matthias
Conference Paper
2010 OpenCL vs. CUDA for ray tracing
Huff, Rafael; Neves, Tiago; Gierlinger, Thomas; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 Guest editorial of the special issue on improving display and rendering technologies for virtual environments
Santos, Pedro; Pereira, João Madeiras; Stork, André
2010 Augmented reality framework supporting conceptual urban planning and enhancing the awareness for environmental impact
Graf, Holger; Santos, Pedro; Stork, André
Conference Paper
2010 Tetrahedral mesh-based embodiment design
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 Effective dynamic scheduling on heterogeneous multi/manycore desktop platforms
Binotto, Alecio; Pedras, Bernardo; Götz, Marcelo; Kuijper, Arjan; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 A real-time low-cost marker-based multiple camera tracking solution for virtual reality applications
Santos, Pedro; Stork, André; Buaes, Alexandre; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Jorge, Joaquim
Journal Article
2010 Embodiment mesh processing
Peña Serna, Sebastian; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 Iterative SLE solvers over a CPU-GPU platform
Binotto, Alecio; Daniel, Christian G.; Weber, Daniel; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
2010 A general two-level acceleration structure for interactive ray tracing on the GPU
Huff, Rafael; Neves, Tiago; Gierlinger, Thomas; Kuijper, Arjan; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Reference projects

  • "AVATOR" – Anti-Virus-Aerosol: Testing, Operation, Reduction
  • CAD2X – CAD Conversion for visualization and 3D-printing
  • CAxMan - Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing
  • CloudFlow
  • CloudiFacturing - Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing
  • CO-VERSATILE: Europe's manufacturing rapid responsiveness for vital medical equipment
  • CUPstomizer
  • DUPLOcator
  • futureAM – Next Generation Additive Manufacturing
  • GraMMaCAD - Graded Multi-Material CAD
  • iFX Visualization
  • Interactive Direct Volume Rendering of Tetrahedral Meshes
  • IQmulus / Realtime Visualization
  • JTI Clean Sky
  • M3D - Mobile 3D Acquisition and 3D Printing for Industrial Applications
  • Promo-Air
  • ResourceApp
  • RISTRA – Rapid interactive structural analysis
  • Tangible Simulation
  • VELaSSCo

The development of new interactive approach for geometric 3D modeling by using innovative input devices was analyzed in his PHD thesis for the field of virtual reality.

During his time as head of the competence center at Fraunhofer IGD his interests expands:

Interactive Simulation

As an example, our efficient algorithms and data structures reduce simulation time from minutes to seconds and enable the exploration of design spaces with interactive simulation. We exploit the tremendous computational power of graphics processing units with highly optimized massively parallel algorithms.

Components with functionally graded materials

Our modeling approaches for components with functionally graded materials open up the potential of 3D printing – especially with multiple material – and revolutionize the possibilities of CAD und additive manufacturing processes with novel geometric representations, data formats and interaction techniques. This facilitates the integration of assembly components with different materials into a single representation with graded materials which can be manufactured automatically in one step.

Iso-geometric Analysis

We integrate both methods, rapid simulation and volumetric modelling, into visual-interactive systems that can be used intuitively. Our software development approach focuses on memory and computational efficiency, as well as robustness.

Our offering to Industry and Economy

We flexibly adapt to customer requirements to develop novel software solutions for CAD & CAE benefiting software providers and end users in many industrial sectors.