Olaf Henniger


  • 1991: Dipl.-Ing., Department of Electrical Engineering, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  • 2002: Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany


  • 1991 – 1994: Research Fellow at the Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  • 1994 – 1995: DAAD scholarship holder at the University of Aizu, Japan
  • 1995 – 2012: Research Associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT in Darmstadt, Germany
  • since 2012: Senior Researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD in Darmstadt, Germany


  • 2004 – 2014: Visiting Lecturer for "Smart-Card Systems" at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany
  • since 2018: Visiting Lecturer for "Ambient Intelligence" at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Some professional activities:

  • since 2004: Member of the national and international standardization committees for biometrics and editor of several international standards in the field of biometrics
  • Principal Investigator in ATHENE, the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity
  • Deputy head of the Department "Smart Living & Biometric Technologies"

Publication Type
2023 Utility Prediction Performance of Finger Image Quality Assessment Software
Henniger, Olaf
Conference Paper
2022 A Deep Insight into Measuring Face Image Utility with General and Face-Specific Image Quality Metrics
Fu, Biying; Chen, Cong; Henniger, Olaf; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2022 A Response to the European Data Protection Supervisor 'Misunderstandings in Biometrics' by the European Association for Biometrics
Busch, Christoph; Czajka, Adam; Deravi, Farzin; Drozdowski, Pawel; Gomez-Barrero, Marta; Hasse, Georg; Henniger, Olaf; Kindt, Els; Kolberg, Jasch; Nouak, Alexander; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Rathgeb, Christian; Salomon, Jean; Veldhuis, Raymond
Journal Article
2022 Face Image Quality Assessment: A Literature Survey
Schlett, Torsten; Rathgeb, Christian; Henniger, Olaf; Galbally, Javier; Fierrez, Julian; Busch, Christoph
Journal Article
2022 Utility-based performance evaluation of biometric sample quality assessment algorithms
Henniger, Olaf; Fu, Biying; Chen, Cong
Conference Paper
2021 NFIQ 2 NIST Fingerprint Image Quality
Tabassi, Elham; Olsen, Martin; Bausinger, Oliver; Busch, Christoph; Figlarz, Andrew; Fiumara, Gregory; Henniger, Olaf; Merkle, Johannes; Ruhland, Timo; Schiel, Christopher; Schwaiger, Michael
2021 Integration der FIDO2-Authentifizierung in Webseiten
Cao, Phong Thanh
Bachelor Thesis
2021 The Relative Contributions of Facial Parts Qualities to the Face Image Utility
Fu, Biying; Chen, Chen; Henniger, Olaf; Damer, Naser
Conference Paper
2021 User Verification Using Handwritten Signatures/Signs for Unlocking a FIDO Authenticator
Krause, Florian
Master Thesis
2021 Fingerprints, forever young?
Kessler, Roman; Henniger, Olaf; Busch, Christoph
Conference Paper
2020 Evaluation of the Recognition Accuracy of Commercial Off-the-shelf Face Identification Systems for Use in Forensics
Henniger, Olaf; Fu, Biying
2020 On the Assessment of Face Image Quality Based on Handcrafted Features
Henniger, Olaf; Fu, Biying; Chen, Cong
Conference Paper
2020 Neue Normen für biometrische Datenaustauschformate
Henniger, Olaf
Journal Article
2020 Biometrische Erkennungssysteme - Nutzen und Hemmnisse im Verbraucheralltag
Henniger, Olaf
2018 Face verification robustness & camera-subject distance
Berthe, Benoit; Croll, Christian; Henniger, Olaf
Journal Article
2018 Deep learning-based face recognition and the robustness to perspective distortion
Damer, Naser; Wainakh, Yaza; Henniger, Olaf; Croll, Christian; Berthe, Benoit; Braun, Andreas; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2017 Opportunities for biometric technologies in smart environments
Henniger, Olaf; Damer, Naser; Braun, Andreas
Conference Paper
2014 Privacy protection of biometric templates
Butt, Moazzam; Henniger, Olaf; Nouak, Alexander; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2014 Assessment of methods for image recreation from signature time-series data
Guest, Richard Matthew; Hurtado, Oscar Miguel; Henniger, Olaf
Journal Article
2014 Signature/Sign Time Series Data: Standardization
Henniger, Olaf; Guest, Richard; Miguel-Hurtado, Oscar; Kaplan, Christiane
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Signature Recognition, Overview
Henniger, Olaf; Muramatsu, Daigo; Matsumoto, Takashi; Yoshimura, Isao; Yoshimura, Mitsu
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Assessment of the quality of handwritten signatures based on multiple correlations
Guest, Richard; Henniger, Olaf
Conference Paper
2013 Extending EMV payment smart cards with biometric on-card verification
Henniger, Olaf; Nikolov, Dimitar
Conference Paper
2012 Biometrie auf Smartcards
Henniger, Olaf
Conference Paper
2004 Zurechenbarkeit von Aktionen in virtuellen Welten
Henniger, Olaf; Scheuermann, Dirk; Schneider, Björn; Struif, Bruno; Waldmann, Ulrich; Ulrich, Reiner; Franke, Katrin; Schneider, Jan; Daum, Henning
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