Matthias Noll

Dipl.-Inform. Matthias Noll (M) studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. After writing his diploma thesis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD in Darmstadt in 2009, he received his diploma degree in early 2010. For his thesis, he subsequently was awarded the first annual ISRA Machine Vision award by the ISRA VISION AG and the Technical University of Darmstadt.

Matthias then continued working as a researcher at the Fraunhofer IGD in the Competence Center ‘Visual Healthcare Technologies’ formerly known as ‘Cognitive Computing & Medical Imaging’. In 2019, he advanced to the position of Deputy Head of this Competence Center. Matthias’ research topics are medical ultrasound image analysis and medical augmented reality.

Publication Type
2023 Learning Needle Placement in Soft Tissue With Robot-assisted Navigation
Lautenschläger, Philipp; Rathmann, Nils; Rothfuss, Andreas; Kuhne, Markus; Stork, Simon; Noll, Matthias; Hetjens, Svetlana; Schoenberg, Stefan O.; Stallkamp, Jan; Diehl, Steffen
Journal Article
2022 Mobile Ultrasound System for Research Beyond Classical Imaging
Hewener, Holger; Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan; Tretbar, Steffen
Journal Article
2021 Automatic Model-based 3-D Reconstruction of the Teeth from five Photographs with Predefined Viewing Directions
Wirtz, Andreas; Jung, Florian; Noll, Matthias; Wang, Anqi; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2021 Fluid Detection and Analysis in Ultrasonic Image Data Applying Artificial Intelligence
Callmer, Pia
Bachelor Thesis
2020 AR-Visualisierung von Echtzeitbildgebung für ultraschallgestützte Leberbiopsien
Bergmann, Tim Alexander
Master Thesis
2020 KI basierte automatische Lymphknotendetektion für Ultraschall
Bauer, Markus
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Lymph Node Navigation in the Head and Neck Area Using 3D Ultrasound Images
Rohr, Maurice
Master Thesis
2019 Registrierung eines Biopsieroboters zu bildbasierten Planungsdaten
Fuchs, Moritz
Bachelor Thesis
2018 ICG based Augmented-Reality-System for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Noll, Matthias; Noa-Rudolph, Werner; Wesarg, Stefan; Kraly, Michael; Stoffels, Ingo; Klode, Joachim; Spass, Cédric; Spass, Gerrit
Conference Paper
2017 Achieving fluid detection by exploiting shadow detection methods
Noll, Matthias; Puhl, Julian; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 An automatic free fluid detection for Morrison´s-Pouch
Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 Automated kidney detection for 3D ultrasound using scan line searching
Noll, Matthias; Nadolny, Anne; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2015 Strahlenbasierte Segmentierung der Niere in 3D Ultraschall Daten
Nadolny, Anne
Master Thesis
2015 Tumorsegmentierung in CD3/CD8-gefärbten Histopathologien
Wang, Anqi; Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2014 Detektion von Tumorgewebe und invasiver Tumorgrenze in CD3/CD8 gefärbten Gewebeschnitten (Histopathologien)
Wang, Anqi
Master Thesis
2014 Automated kidney detection and segmentation in 3D ultrasound
Noll, Matthias; Li, Xin; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2014 COSMO - coupled shape model for radiation therapy planning of head and neck cancer
Jung, Florian; Steger, Sebastian; Knapp, Oliver; Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2014 Enhanced shadow detection for 3D ultrasound
Noll, Matthias; Puhl, Julian; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2013 Simplified stereo-optical ultrasound plane calibration
Hoßbach, Martin; Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference Paper
2012 Intraoperative registration for liver tumor ablation
Oyarzun Laura, Cristina; Drechsler, Klaus; Erdt, Marius; Keil, Matthias; Noll, Matthias; Beni, Stefano de; Sakas, Georgios; Solbiati, Luigi
Conference Paper
2011 A real-time online video overlay navigation system for minimally invasive laparoscopic tumor resection
Keil, Matthias; Noll, Matthias
Conference Paper
2010 Intraoperative Navigation für die minimalinvasive Resektion von Nierentumoren
Noll, Matthias
Diploma Thesis
2010 Extending MITK by a real-time online video overlay navigation system for minimally invasive surgery
Keil, Matthias; Noll, Matthias
Journal Article
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