HL7®FHIR® is the latest of the HL7 standards for data exchange in healthcare. Due to its numerous advantages over other existing standards, FHIR® has quickly gained acceptance and popularity. It is actively supported by many major institutions (including the German Federal Ministry of Health and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians) and is used in the context of the electronic patient record (ePA) or in the development of medical information objects (MIOs). More and more clinics and companies in the healthcare sector are opting for FHIR® as the standard for the communication of products, institutions, devices, and applications with each other.
Integration of our solutions into other FHIR® infrastructures
Fraunhofer IGD has successfully integrated FHIR® into several projects. The knowledge gained has enabled an infrastructure that connects all developed smart machine learning solutions, databases, and front-end applications with FHIR®. The clinical picture of a patient includes a variety of heterogeneous data (e.g., laboratory data and images). We deal with such data on a daily basis and therefore have a broad overview of which FHIR® Resources are best suited for which type of data. A particular challenge is the exchange of processed images and the parameters extracted from them (e.g., Echomics and Radiomics). This know-how simplifies the integration of our solutions into other products or infrastructures that use FHIR®.