Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD

Seeing supports understanding

Visualization of complex data? We make it easy!

Fraunhofer IGD has been setting standards in visual computing for over 30 years. We accomplish this with a unique range of skills and technologies that we can flexibly combine to suit your particular needs and wishes.

Visual computing is image- and model-based information processing that blends computer graphics and computer vision. Put simply, it describes the ability to turn information into images and extract information from pictures. It is the basis of all the technological solutions used by Fraunhofer IGD and its partners.

Computer graphics involves processing and editing images, graphics, and multidimensional models with the aid of computers. Examples are virtual and simulated reality applications.

Computer vision is about teaching computers to “see.” A machine uses a camera to scan its surroundings and then processes the information with software. Examples include augmented reality.


Learn about the projects that we have already successfully carried out in your industry technologies we can also support you with.

Our services

For you, we improve existing technologies and processes up to the production of optimized prototypes and products. Our projects and innovations cover all application-relevant fields of competence in visual computing. For small and medium-sized enterprises without their own R&D department as well as for corporations, Fraunhofer IGD provides important innovative know-how around the topics visualization and simulation.



Bioeconomy and Environmental Monitoring: Research-driven Impulses for Hesse

Press releases


Fully Automated Robot-Assisted 3D Scanning without Teaching

Can 3D scanning be as easy as traditional 2D scanning? The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research has the answer: Its robot-assisted solution enables fully automated and highly precise 3D scanning – without the need to spend time teaching the robot. Using intelligent dynamic trajectory algorithms, the system can digitize objects to within 10 microns. Users benefit from the ability to create complete 3D models of objects and components with virtually no user interaction – ideal for industrial and research applications.
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Fraunhofer IGD demonstrates the latest developments for agriculture to Federal Minister of Research Cem Özdemir

The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD in Rostock hosted personalities from politics and science today to discuss the latest developments in the field of Smart Farming. In addition to Federal Minister of Research Cem Özdemir, representatives from the federal and state governments were also present at the exchange, including Parliamentary State Secretary Claudia Müller from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. From the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Bettina Martin, the Minister for Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs, participated in the exchange. The focus was on digital technologies that promote sustainable and resource-efficient agriculture.
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Ceremonial opening of the Fraunhofer IGD project office in Greifswald

The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD is expanding its commitment to environmental and climate research with the opening of a new project office in Greifswald. The official opening marks an important step in the further collaboration with the University of Greifswald and the renowned Greifswald Mire Centre (GMC). A particular focus is on the VALPEATS research project, which is dedicated to the sustainable use and protection of peatlands.
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Detecting Fake Faces: New Approaches to Combat Face-Morphing Threats

Fraunhofer IGD is working on reliable methods to detect and prevent face-morphing attacks. Face morphing is a growing threat to biometric security systems. Criminals use it to create an alternative identity that allows them to travel to other countries without being detected.
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AI solutions for administration: smart support for Hesse's municipalities



50 years of GRIS und Computer Graphics Night 2025

We are delighted to announce a very special event: 50 years of GRIS! We cordially invite you to join us in Darmstadt on Thursday, September 4, 2025 to look back on the success story of the Interactive Graphics Systems (GRIS) research group – from the early days of computer graphics to the latest developments in visual computing. Yet another highlight: The anniversary celebration will be combined with Computer Graphics Night 2025, an established event that recognizes scientific excellence and showcases the latest innovations in computer graphics.
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Intelligent Environments

The International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE) is in its twenty-first year and is now recognized as a major annual venue in the area. IE, which has been hosted worldwide, offers a truly international forum and welcomes contributions from all over the planet. Intelligent environments refer to physical spaces in which information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, interface sensing and actuating technologies are woven to create interacting spaces. The ultimate objective of such environments is to enrich users’ activities, while allowing users to manage them and be aware of each other’s capabilities.
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The digital transformation of the healthcare industry is one of the greatest challenges for society, the economy, and the state in recent decades. However, it is also a crucial prerequisite for improved treatment methods on the path to personalized medicine, digital twins in research, and telemedicine approaches. Secure information and communication technology (ICT) plays a central role in this process. As the use of ICT in the healthcare sector increases, new risks also emerge in the areas of cybersecurity and privacy protection. MedCAST specifically addresses these risks and explores possible solutions by bringing together experts from various fields within the healthcare sector. We examine the topics of cybersecurity and privacy in medicine from three perspectives: the technical perspective of ICT security, the medical perspective of key institutions and roles in healthcare, and the user perspective, which ensures that new technologies become both applicable and accepted.
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4D Workshop Data Science in Health

The next workshop in the Fraunhofer CIMD 4D workshop series, which will be held on 21 May in Essen, will focus on the topic of ‘Digital innovations in healthcare: How AI and Data Science are Reshaping Patient Care’. The 4D workshops are primarily aimed at doctoral students, young postdocs and project staff at Fraunhofer CIMD.
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