The use of augmented reality and intelligent assistance systems in maritime service products

In the future, it should be possible for the maritime sector (e.g. suppliers and shipping companies) to provide digital services for ships at sea via a special service platform. A research project led by Fraunhofer IGD has investigated how key technologies such as augmented reality (AR), intelligent assistance systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used specifically in the operational phase of maritime systems.

Within the scope of the project, Fraunhofer IGD and its partners have identified solutions for the design of smart services in the maritime application area where very specific framework conditions and requirements apply. Ships are highly individualized and technically complex entities, yet for reasons of economic viability, they must be able to operate continuously for several weeks at a time. The project team therefore envisages bringing all the relevant operating data of a ship together in a digital twin and making this available (along with other data and digital services) on a service platform that crew members can access at any time and from anywhere. Machine learning, neural networks and Big Data analytics also allow the automated identification of vulnerabilities and inefficiencies by evaluating the digital ship model. This would, for example, enable a ship’s crew to perform maintenance processes while at sea and thereby prevent costly breakdowns. AR guidance reduces the amount of training required up front and combines a classic maintenance guide with the visualization of real-time data on the current operating status of the ship’s machinery and other components.

After-sales applications based on AR and AI for the maritime industry

Other focal points of the project have been the development of data-based services in maritime after-sales and intelligent assistance systems for planning and controlling maritime service. Suppliers benefit from the opportunity to provide services relevant to products purchased and shipowners from the optimized operation of their ships. Thanks to networked solutions in after-sales, customers can keep track of their services. Billing also becomes more transparent, and the entire after-sales process – from initial inquiry and preparation of offer to performance – is faster. The MARIA project is also investigating the dynamic data link between ship and Cloud-based applications, which is the basis for the digitalization and automation of service processes. The findings and results can be used as blueprints for new improved business models in the maritime industry. The research and development work is being supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the “Innovationen für die Produktion, Dienstleistung und Arbeit von morgen” program (Innovations for Tomorrow’s Production, Services and Work) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).